About Render credits

What are Render credits?

Render credits represent how many images, PDFs, and/or videos you're able to generate based on your templates per month. The render quota depends on the plan you’re on. In your Robolly dashboard, you can see how many Render credits you used in a given period and when the quota will restart.

How are the render credits counted?

The Render credits are used only for the first render of the unique image (or PDF/video). After the image is rendered, Robolly will save it for you and deliver it via global CDN (= Content Delivery Network). We provide you with the CDN service free of charge. So, when you need to re-render the same image with the same modifications in the future, you’ll get your image instantly and without any additional cost.

How much does it cost to render different file types?

Render costs are determined based on the amount of computing resources required for the rendering process.

Generally, 1 image = 1 Render credit.

Other types of files, that require more resources for rendering use more Render credits. Check the table below for more details about how many Render credits different files use.

FormatSizeDescriptionRender credit cost
JPG>2,000pxRegular JPG image1
JPG2,000 – 4,000pxHigh-resolution JPG image2
JPG4,000 – 6,000pxHigh-resolution JPG image3
PNG>2,000pxLossless PNG image3
PNG2,000 – 4,000pxHigh-resolution lossless PNG image6
PNG4,000 – 6,000pxHigh-resolution lossless PNG image12
PDFScalable PDF document (max 7 pages)5 per page
MP424 FPSVideos & Movies8 per second (beta)
MP430 FPSVideos & Movies10 per second (beta)
MP450 FPSHigh-frame-rate videos & Movies17 per second (beta)
MP460 FPSHigh-frame-rate videos & Movies20 per second (beta)
MP430 FPSVideos & Movies with video-in-video (resource intensive rendering)30 per second (beta)

Can I upgrade my monthly render credit quota at any time?

Yes, you can adjust your monthly render credit quota at any time without penalty or hassle. The plan will change immediately and you'll be charged for just a prorated amount.

Can I downgrade my monthly render credit quota at any time?

Yes, you can adjust your monthly render credit quota at any time without penalty or hassle. The higher quota stays active until your current period ends. Then, you'll be automatically switched to the lower plan you selected.

I need more than 250,000 render credits per month. Is it possible?

Need a more render credits per month or looking for other customization? Let us know about your requirements — we're ready to tailor a custom quote. Contact us at support@robolly.com.